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Build Your Own Box functionality for KIND with Salesforce Commerce Cloud

KIND (part of Mars inc.), a leading supplier of delicious and healthy snacks, approached ConnectingTheDots with the aim of improving their online shopping experience. The main goal was to allow customers to create a personalized snack box based on their preferences.


KIND wanted to introduce a feature called “Build Your Own Box” for their online store, which would allow customers to easily customize their snack selections. The challenge was to create an easy-to-use and intuitive interface that seamlessly guided customers through the process of choosing snacks, selecting box sizes and potentially starting a subscription for regular deliveries.


Leveraging their expertise in e-commerce solutions, ConnectingTheDots has designed and implemented a robust “Build your own box” feature based on Salesforce Commerce Cloud. The "Build Your Own Box" feature has transformed KIND's online store into a dynamic and engaging platform. Customers now enjoy a personalized snack buying experience, which has led to increased customer satisfaction and repeat business. The subscription model has also contributed to a more consistent revenue stream for Kinder Snacks.

Most important features

  1. User-Friendly Interface - We provided a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate interface. Customers are greeted with clear directions and visuals that guide them through the customization process.
  2. Snack Selection - The heart of the feature lies in KIND Snacks' extensive catalog. Customers can explore a diverse range of snacks, categorized by type, flavor and dietary preferences. Each snack comes with detailed descriptions and nutritional information.
  3. Box Customization - Customers can choose between two box sizes, suitable for 20 or 40 snacks. The interface dynamically updates to show available space as users fill their boxes, with a real-time preview of their personalized selection.
  4. Subscription Option - To increase customer loyalty and convenience, we integrated a subscription option. Users have the choice to subscribe to regular deliveries of their custom snack box, ensuring a steady supply of delicious treats.
  5. Delivery Options - We implemented a seamless checkout process with multiple delivery options, including the ability to schedule deliveries at preferred times for subscribers.

More information

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